Religious Education at Field End Junior School
Our aim is for all children to become mastery learners, confident orators, active learners and lifelong readers.
Through the RE days, we want all children to have the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the world’s main religions, beliefs and traditions.
This will enable them to understand and appreciate the diversity of the world they live in.
Through our lessons we provide opportunities for each child to become a confident orator as they discuss, explore and develop their own understanding. We encourage them to appreciate the similarities and differences between the world religions, whilst also recognising that some citizens do not identify with any religious denomination.
Field End Junior School follows the Hillingdon Borough syllabus SACRE.
The syllabus aims to “reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account on the teachings and practices of the other principal religions in Great Britain” (Education Act 1996). Therefore Christianity has a greater presence throughout the key stages than other traditions.
We have ensured that the traditions covered represent our local community and the wider community, and therefore children also learn about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and are introduced to Humanism.
Field End Junior School has focus RE days each term where each year group explores faiths in more depth. Assemblies throughout the year highlight and celebrate relevant festivals and celebrations.
Assessment is through moderation of knowledge in books, pupil voice, acquired and applied vocabulary. Children develop an understanding of the need to be respectful and tolerant of different beliefs.
Children are interested to learn about other faiths, their celebrations and traditions.
All children demonstrate respect for the beliefs and traditions of other religions.
All children are able to learn alongside children from other cultures and religions.