PSHE at Field End Junior School
Our aim is for all children to become mastery learners, confident orators, active learners and lifelong readers.
In PHSE, this means that our curriculum is designed to enable all pupils to leave the school equipped with the life skills needed to allow them to progress to the next stage in their learning, have the necessary skills to keep themselves safe, make informed choices and develop into well-rounded global citizens.
Our teaching of British Values is at the heart of our approach.
The RSE aspect of our curriculum ensures that the children can build lasting and meaningful relationships and make safe and thoughtful choices. This means that children will know the importance of respecting others, understanding differences and accepting everyone for who they are.
All children will learn the value of keeping physically fit and making healthy food choices, including dental hygiene. We will also equip our children with the knowledge to stay safe both online and in their daily life. At Field End Junior School we are committed to preparing every child for the next stage in their physical and emotional development.
At Field End School the intent is delivered through the JIGSAW scheme of work. The Jigsaw scheme of work follows the following topics through weekly lessons, Being me in my world, Celebrating differences, Dreams and goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing me (RSE).
There are weekly lessons and circle times, all supported by whole school assemblies. This year the school has become a Rights Respecting School and so we are exploring the rights and considering how they impact on our lives.
Children are also learning to be part of the wider world through charity events and days, special weeks and assemblies.
All children feel safe in school and know who to ask for help.
The children are equipped to make safe choices both online and in their daily lives. They know how to use the internet responsibility.
The children develop the skills to talk about their emotions.
Children understand what a heathy friendship is and made positive behaviour choices.
Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is taught discretely - please refer to our RSE policy.