Special Educational Needs and Disabilties / Inclusion

At Field End Junior School we are committed to ensuring that every pupil has equal access to their learning in order to achieve their full potential. We recognise that our pupils are individuals and so may respond to the curriculum differently. We aim to provide equality of educational opportunity for all by addressing any barriers to learning and ensuring high expectations for all. We deliver an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities. We value and celebrate successes and recognise that it may take many forms.
We aim to:
identify pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that their needs are met through a provision which is in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice.
ensure that our practice is inclusive so that all children have equal access.
ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities particiapte in all the activities of the school.
ensure that all pupils make the best possible progress and where support is needed ,it will be of a high standard.
ensure parents are informed of their child's special educational needs and that there is effective communication between parents and school.
ensure that pupils express their views and are fully involved in decisions which affect their education.
promote effective partnership and involve outside agencies.
plan for efective transition, bearing in mind that some children may require a bespoke approach.
The school is committed to delivering high quality adaptive teaching in the first instance. Where barriers to learning have been identified, procedures for the early identification of special educational needs are followed.
We adopt a graduated response to meeting special educational needs in line with the SEND Code of Practice. Interventions for children on the SEND register are identified and tracked using the whole-school provision map.
Where a child has a significant, severe or sustained need, it may be necessary to enter a multi-disciplinary assessment process with health and social care in order to consider the need for an Education Health and Care Plan. Children with an Education Health and Care Plan will have access to all arrangements for children on the SEND list and, in addition to this, will have an Annual Review of their plan.
Children on the school SEND register who have an Educational Health Care Plan or who are at SEND Support will have a SEND Support Plan. The SEND Support Plan includes:
the long-term (term) targets set for or by the child
the short-term targets (three weeks) set for or by the child
the teaching strategies to be used
the provision to be put in place
when the plan is to be reviewed
success and/or exit criteria
The SEND Support Plan is reviewed every term and the outcomes are recorded. Pupils participate fully in the review process. Parents / carers are also invited to participate in the target-setting and review process.
Field End Junior School has a well embedded Inclusion team. The remit of this team is to consider the needs of all pupils and provide support for them to engage fully in their learning and school life. We work very successfully with external providers and are proud of our strong links.
Our Inclusion Team members are:
Mrs Snowden – Designated Safeguarding Lead / Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Phelan – Headteacher
Mrs Fahimuddin – SENCO / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Breen – Family Support Worker / Learning Mentor
Ms Perschky – Family Support Worker / Learning Mentor
To contact the SENCO, please phone the school on 020 88668752 or email enquiries@fieldendjuniors.org.uk or sen@fieldendjuniors.org.uk
Our SEND policy can be accessed here
Our Accessibility Plan can be accessed here
Our Equality Policy can be accessed here
School Offer / SEN Information Resport can be accessed here
Hillingdon Council's Local Offer Website sets out the services and support available in our borough for children and young adults under the age of 25 with special educational needs and those who are disabled. It also provides information about a young person's transition into adulthood.
For further information and to find our about the local offer, please visit